-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA512 New OpenPGP certificate for dkg, 2021 ===================================== Two years ago, I transitioned to a new OpenPGP certificate. As 2021 begins, I'm transitioning to a new one. A reasonable observer might ask, why not just update the expiration date on the primary key and rotate to new subkeys? That's what I should do, but it appears I have put my master secret key in storage that is so secure (or so broken) that even I am unable to access it. Ugh. You know my old OpenPGP certificate as: ``` pub ed25519 2019-01-19 [C] [expires: 2021-01-18] C4BC2DDB38CCE96485EBE9C2F20691179038E5C6 uid Daniel Kahn Gillmor uid Daniel Kahn Gillmor ``` My new OpenPGP certificate is: ``` pub ed25519 2020-12-27 [C] [expires: 2023-12-24] C29F8A0C01F35E34D816AA5CE092EB3A5CA10DBA uid [ unknown] Daniel Kahn Gillmor uid [ unknown] uid [ unknown] ``` In previous transitions, I've had my old OpenPGP key certify the new certificate. Sadly, I can't do that this time around, due to the effective destruction of my old primary key. If you've certified my old certificate, I'd appreciate your certifying my new one. Please do confirm by contacting me via whatever channels you think are most appropriate before you re-certify, of course. Sadly, in-person verification (my preferred form, because I like seeing people) is likely to be constrained by the COVID-19 pandemic. At the start of 2021, I will publish the new certificate to [keys.openpgp.org](https://keys.openpgp.org) and to the SKS network, though that network is failing. I will also publish it to [my personal website](https://dkg.fifthhorseman.net/dkg-openpgp.key), and eventually via WKD for both the `fifthhorseman.net` and `debian.org` zones. If you use GnuPG, you can fetch it like this: wget -O- https://dkg.fifthhorseman.net/dkg-openpgp.key | gpg --import A copy of this transition statement signed by both the old and new certificates is available [on my website](https://dkg.fifthhorseman.net/2021-dkg-openpgp-transition.txt), and you can also find [further explanation about technical details, choices, and rationale on my blog](https://dkg.fifthhorseman.net/blog/2021-dkg-openpgp-transition.html). -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- wrwEARYKAG8Fgl/uf4gJED6dcXNx3lZcRxQAAAAAAB4AIHNhbHRAbm90YXRpb25z LnNlcXVvaWEtcGdwLm9yZwzJSttpALIHpu67JEmES042jXhzXLwfRtRpCDYZiksT FiEELbVJHJ3w3I9DKGPPPp1xc3HeVlwAAC5IAPdJfTgfQ8VNpN4VvtrXBlLihzJr VIElPNJ7yDQ/faJpAP9o+4X6Ugmjf6jeWBV+z2/Ae6C7zxerMpGjm12VVnWuB8K9 BAEWCgBvBYJf7n+ICRDEDyVUMvKBD0cUAAAAAAAeACBzYWx0QG5vdGF0aW9ucy5z ZXF1b2lhLXBncC5vcmehJ2Y0CnONpySASxRwALmSHfaQ4Xmc4WANH1PbKN7xXxYh BCy/rHZRqpAnNj51ccQPJVQy8oEPAACxZwEAh60bRrak2p0DQusjWsC3vgh5yc/B 8gCJHGol0CUSm6AA/jrKel2uUWfw0CthOqaElmYRp5+MiL5rabVKsB7UIb0A =lTzo -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----